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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHLPA Jersey - Anyone else seen them?

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The NHLPA just sent us one of their jerseys for our charity game and auction. I'd never seen or even heard that they had them before. Do they play in games or something, or is it just a marketing device? I was just curious. Do some of the NHLers actually play on an NHLPA team for charity appearances?

This is what it looks like (the autograph is Luke Schenn from the Leafs, they also sent a letter of authenticity, that's the only way I could decipher who's name was on it :lol: )


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The NHLPA has apparel but you must be a NHLPA member to buy it.

But during the first lockout, you had a NHLPA team that toured Europe.

OK, thanks for the info, I had never seen it before. The certificate of authenticity does state it is not a game worn jersey.


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