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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I liked that Rink Rats up until they broke on me. Maybe I'll just get the harder ones, I was using 76A but I'm pretty heavy so should I try the 78's? Also, any chance that something got caught in my chassis that would tear up my wheel or anything? I didn't see anything in them. It just seems weird that three would just break like that but I know little of inline stuff. Both my front wheels broke and I just moved my second wheels to the front so I could get back in the game, then one of those broke. Not sure if that was a bad idea, tri-di chassis so they weren't the right size wheels, but I had to get back on the floor as we had only 5 guys and my teammates were exhausted.

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You might just need harder wheels. I've only had one RR break on me, and that was over 3 years ago. Im only 150 lbs., but I'm extremely hard on wheels, so I use 78A. Once you start playing more, you will find what suits you best.

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yeah you might want to get harder wheels,when you pick up playing again you might want to try 78A on the two middle wheels and 80A on the front and back.

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I didnt like Revisions. Didn't seem to have much grip and I wore them down like crazy....

totally agree except the grip part which i liked but it felt like skating on quicksand compared to rinkrats. I don't think i've skated on them more then 10 times and already i see very visable wear and on top of that a few "chucks" have developed which gives me that "thump thump thump" feel at low speeds. My first season isn't even over and already i have to look for new wheels <_< Grip i would say they are better then rinkrats but at a very high cost... i think i'll either go back to rinkrats or try to new labeda wheels because i'm a sucker for new stuff.

Were you using the bronze ones? My main concern is durability as I'm only playing for fun.

Any recommendations on bearings? As mentioned I don't play seriously so I don't need the best, just ones that have decent performance and don't cost too much.

for bearings i will swear by the bones super 6, when you are skating there isn't much of a difference but when your not they hold your speed like nothing else and on top of that they are not THAT expensive. i was using a bronze and silver combo

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If you ever have a blow out issue like that close to when the warranty expires please contact us, as we will still honor the warranty.

nabeel@revisionhockey.com or tyler@revisionhockey.com , either of us can take care of that for you. Send us an email so we discuss.

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