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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What is grip made of?

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I was wondering because i was looking to pick up a stick for someone with an allergy to latex, and didn't know if the grip had any latex components in it. I have some vapor XXX and sickicks with some grip on them, but i wouldn't know if they did to save my own life (no pun intended).

i was just wondering if anyone knew this before I go an contact the individual companies.

thanks in advance!

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It says it's Stick'Um. The only search I found was this:


That's just a name. I doubt it's the same product.

I would think that each company uses their own formulation for the stuff. My guess would be a lot would be silicone based, but I would not be surprised if there was latex in some. Contact each company, or just get a non grip stick and some pine tar if you really want grip.

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Personally I think it would think giving them the stick and hanging over them with an epipen would be far more fun :P

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Personally I think it would think giving them the stick and hanging over them with an epipen would be far more fun :P

for the price of an epipen, you could get a second stick ;)

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no kidding. its ridiculous (for me) because i need two for school epipens and two for carrying around. but, i realize that if the time comes i will be glad i paid for them.

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