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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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open hockey on weekend afternoons in the philly area?

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just wondering if anybody could tell me about some places that have open hockey on saturday and sunday afternoons in the philadelphia area

thanks alot guys

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weekends are slim pickings in my experience (i guess you figured that out too). and just gets worse when hockey season is here.

if you have flexibility in times...

- late afternoon/early evening in aston, PA at Ice Works: http://www.iceworks.net/hockey_open.shtml

- saturday/sunday mornings at the Flyers Skate Zone in pennsauken, NJ

- sunday mornings at the Pond in newark, DE

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I used to live in Philly area. Not sure if either of these are near you but look em' up and see what times they have available. Face-Off Circle in Warminster and there is a rink in King of Prussia (can't remember the name) Might be Ardmore Ice rink or Oaks Center Ice.

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