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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Information on these sticks please!

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anything specific you wnat to know?

The Concept X is garbage and the Endure 2 isn't too bad, a bit beefier(heavier) but IMO far better than the Concept X.

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The original Bauer Endures were pretty solid sticks, a bit heavy and stiffer than rated, but they would last forever. The newer Endure 2's were basically low end Bauers (Vapor VIII I think, which was either their lowest or second lowest stick). I wouldn't buy one personally but then again I only like using quality sticks and wouldn't touch a price point composite.

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You use a junior stick?

One70 for $50 - this is a high end stick performance wise

Vapor XX for $30 - basically a Dolomite if you use those curves

L-2 with two blades for $55 - high performance shaft with two replacement blades, used them for a year, great rig

Easton Synergy for $60 - high end closeout stick with lots of curves available

Any of those would be a great choice, and I'd lean towards the Mission L-2 since you play roller and you can just replace the blades when you're done. But the Synergy would be the best performance, although the blades aren't the most durable. One70 is another solid stick.

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Yeah price points are trash. As i said before the only way your going to get a stick close to your 7k or even better would be the closeout route or a shaft and abs blade combo, which would be great for indoor. I woudlnt touch either sticks you mentioned if i were paid.

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Yeah price points are trash. As i said before the only way your going to get a stick close to your 7k or even better would be the closeout route or a shaft and abs blade combo, which would be great for indoor. I woudlnt touch either sticks you mentioned if i were paid.

totally agree the abs blades last forever and are well worth it no point in wasting money on a low end 1 piece when you can get a hell of 2 piece for way less

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