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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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im having a bit of a skate issue. i had 705s for all of last year and when they broke down and i decided i needed a new pair i decided on 8090s. the 8090 is a great skate, but its not for me. im planning on going back to graf asap, but i have a few questions for anyone who has tried the new g series and anyone who has swiss grafs. the first is, and i kno most of these boil down to pp but im just looking for your guys opinions, would you go with g5s or g3s (or some other g model), since the new ones are supposedly stiffer? is the fit the same from 705s to g5s/when they changed the liner did they make it that crap that bauer used inside the xx? are they lighter/dry quicker than 705s? if you had your choice would you get g series or swiss 705 teclites, theyre probably about the same skate but i know graf canada has had some quality issues lately. thanks for your help guys.

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didn't that dexy kid start up a million threads about the comparison between the the 700's and the G series? and wasn't it concluded that they're the same fit, just teclite instead of leather, composite outsole, and different liner?

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ya i kno the fit and stuff is the same i was playin a little bit dumb to get some help. what im really tryin to decide between is the swiss with teclite or the g5s...anyone who has g5s i could especially use input from. the 8090s are too stiff and just dont feel right my 705s felt great right away.

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I think the G series would be lighter and a little stiffer, but the durability on the new G series hasn't been seen because they are so new. If you weren't happy with the old durability I think your on the right track looking at the swiss models and the G series. It's just whether you want to take the chance on the durability of the new G series.

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Just from what I've seen sharpening some new G series skates is that they seem to be pretty durable. The outer is holding up better than the old 700 series in my opinion. This may just be the type of player that is using them though. Hope this helps a little.

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Are they lighter/dry quicker than 705s? if you had your choice would you get g series or swiss 705 teclites, theyre probably about the same skate but i know graf canada has had some quality issues lately.

I guess Ryan posted some skate weight recentliy as a comparison for the Synergy skate and his results were that the G series was heavier than the 7xx series... no clue if the results are correct. I wonder what might make them heavier as they use a thinner outsole and a supposedly lighter outer material.

I am most likely the only one with Swiss 705 teclites on this board and honestly, I can't give you no clear answer what I'd buy. The Swiss will most likely be more expensive (for you North Americans) than the G series (low USD + shipping + duties). I guess I'd try the Gs if they are available at your LHS and before purchase you examine if you find any production sloppiness.

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maybe you should give the G35s a try, theyre around the same price, and come with Tblades. But then again, i think you'd be better off going with your initial swiss grafs, once your happy wiht a skate, stick to it.

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