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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tour Hockey Jerseys

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So our team decided that we want to have our next set of jerseys sublimated by Tour. We love their skates and gloves, everyone on the team has them, so we figured why not support them more by wearing their jerseys.

I was talking to them at the Tour booth at TORHS Nationals a month or so ago where they gave me the contact info. I've been trying ever since then to get ahold of them about acquiring new jerseys (via both email and voicemails) The contact name i was given was Brad Brussatti and the number is 217-324-3961 x 121.

Has anyone else come across this problem? or know how i can get ahold of them.



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It's possible he may have been tied up at other tournaments such as StateWars?

What happens when you try without the extension and ask for him via the operator?

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They send me to his voicemail...lol

I completely understand he may be busy...i know there was TORHS, NARCH, Statewars and such. Just figured he get back to me with a time that i could contact him or something, or a name of someone else who could help.

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yeah brad is very busy this time of year with tournys and such,keep trying ,when you get him he will tell how busy he was,lol .brad's a good guy.

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