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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jim A

Good Article on Bobby Ryan in THN

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Browsing through the new THN and their player profile this week was on Bobby Ryan, be interesting to see where he falls on draft day '05, and a good background on the kid for all those who don't him...

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Really? Could you send me the link...if there is one on the website? He's one of my favorite players, and he lives in my town, I kept in contact with him before he went to play for Owen Sound, it would really be appreciated!

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sorry..i didn't buy the issue..you'll just have to get to a rink or Barnes and Noble and grab a read there yourself..lol...it is online..but only the beginning if you aren't a member at their website...

a big year upcoming for the kid..

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Yup that's my prediction, the kid's amazing what can I say, is it the latest issue? Because I'm having my mom pick me up a copy tomorrow...Can't wait to see the stats of him at the end...him and Crosby are gonna be the next big things

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