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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I saw a stick last night. It looked like a normal mission m-1, but the letters were outlined in gold, and in the middle where it usualy says "m1" it had a graphic kind of like stiches, and then in black kind of midievil letters with gold outline it said "dangler". Any idea as to what it was all about?

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Was it a shaft or OPS? Mission used to have a stick called the Dangler (still may) out on the market. Seems pretty simialr to what you are describing, it was supposedly a tank, something like below a 2% return on'em or at least thats what the store was telling me.

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yea, at sport chek we had a clearout on danglers a couple years back, 49.99, they were good sticks, and yea it looks just how you descrided it. i remember they had a slash zone where they put extra material towards the end of the shaft, it was a tank

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yea, at sport chek we had a clearout on danglers a couple years back, 49.99, they were good sticks, and yea it looks just how you descrided it. i remember they had a slash zone where they put extra material towards the end of the shaft, it was a tank

extra material = wood in the shaft

I had a few, none broke. One that I gave to a friend I know is still being used as a backup stick about 3 years later.

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i remember they had a slash zone where they put extra material towards the end of the shaft, it was a tank

That was the X-Core.

That thing was so damn heavy, but it wouldnt break not matter how hard you tried.

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my friend took 2 years to break one... and he broke it doing something stupid... can't remember what though.

It wasnt something stupid, It broke at a Stick-N-Shoot when I was just shooting around. But it did last me longer then any other shaft Ive had.

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yea, at sport chek we had a clearout on danglers a couple years back, 49.99, they were good sticks, and yea it looks just how you descrided it.  i remember they had a slash zone where they put extra material towards the end of the shaft, it was a tank

extra material = wood in the shaft

I had a few, none broke. One that I gave to a friend I know is still being used as a backup stick about 3 years later.

Actually, the extra material was a foam, not wood.

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i remember it being wood as well. my shaft broke just above the x-core zone. performance wise, i think the shaft left much to be desired.

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Did they every have an 85 flex, and did they have problems with that shaft´s flex varying from the listed #? Jus thtinking about getting a new backup stick when I geft back, cuz I´m pretty near snapping my 100 Diamondlite, which is about a 90 right now, I think...

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