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Hockey Shops in Calgary

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Holla, Just looking for a heads up if anyone has some knowledge of Calgary!?

Where are the best hockey shops, I will be staying at the Marriot downtown so anywhere near there would be gravy but ill venture to wherever to hit up the good gear.

Any links or addresses would be greatly appreciated and good Karma sent your way.


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For higher end gear:

2 Pro Hockey Life www.prohockeylife.com really out of the way

2 Hockey Experts www.hockeyexperts.com somewhat out of the way

All 4 stores just opened, so there are deals to be had, just have to drive a ways from downtown.

2 Source for Sports, both are little closer to downtown, don't have the address

B&P cycle 17th Ave SE, www.bpcycle.com

& a couple of Professional Skate Shops http://www.psscalgary.com, more for high end skates, decent amount of gear, but nothing is ever for sale.

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My jaw just dropped.

I could spend hours in that store just walking around looking at everything.

On the other note, +1 for Professional Skate Shop. I got fitted for my skates at their main location and couldn't be any happier with the expertise and service. Not much for equipment though.

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Yeah thanks for the Hook ups guys. Pro life hockey is the best shop I have been too. Its huge. Got myself the 8K Ice boot and pimped them up with the Magnesium Vanguard. Picked up some Warrior Bully's too. Good times all round!!

Good Karma to everyone.

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