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Safe To wear a hat under a helmet?

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My sons ears get really cold so he likes to wear a hat under his helmet. In oorder to do this helemt has to be sized a bit bigger to accommodate for the hat. Does this make the helmet unsafe? With the hat on the helmet is snug and does not move around.


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You wont need a bigger helmet for an underarmor skull cap (spandex, basically to hold your hair back almost like a bathing cap but looser, its also got elastic around it. I tried one out but coudlnt stand it myself but anything touching my hair really seems to bug me. They woudlnt make your helmet unsafe and can be picked up at just about any place that sells underarmor, you could try a toque as well but it would be beyond hot i bet, and youd need to get a bigger helmet more then likely or adjust your helmet to make it bigger.

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You might want to look into one of the bands that just covers the ears, but a hat should be fine as long as the helmet is snug on top of the hat.

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You wont need a bigger helmet for an underarmor skull cap (spandex, basically to hold your hair back almost like a bathing cap but looser, its also got elastic around it. I tried one out but coudlnt stand it myself but anything touching my hair really seems to bug me. They woudlnt make your helmet unsafe and can be picked up at just about any place that sells underarmor, you could try a toque as well but it would be beyond hot i bet, and youd need to get a bigger helmet more then likely or adjust your helmet to make it bigger.


Pick up something as close-fitting as you possibly can in order to not leave much room at all between the head and helmet.

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I assume your son is younger and probably has not removed the plastic ear protectors from the earholes on his helmet. Before trying a hat or band to cover his ears, you may want to try something as simple as putting hockey tape over the earholes on his helmet. Depending on the helmet design not difficult to do. Helps in 2 ways. It decreases the air blowing over your sons ears as he skates and would also retain heat in that area of the helmet. Has absolutely no effect on comfort or fit of the helmet. Did it a few times while playing field lacrosse in Canada on extremely cold days. The difference was significant (from near frostbite excrutiating to comfortable) with no real effect on hearing.

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