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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok blade comparison: P30 Bergeron vs. P38 Datsyuk

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I have used both curves and I pefer the P38 datsyuk better as the bergeron is too big off a curve and its very similar to the gaborik and coffey. The P38 is not more open in the middle and if it is i barley noticed but, does not hook so much like the bergeron at the end and toe drags are not going to be very easy with that curve or pulling the puck through your skates.

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p30 is a big mid hook, p38 is not as big a hook and prolly slightly more mid-heel now and a lil more open at the toe, toes should be the same and lie's the same, not sure about the rocker though

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I have used both curves and I pefer the P38 datsyuk better as the bergeron is too big off a curve and its very similar to the gaborik and coffey. The P38 is not more open in the middle and if it is i barley noticed but, does not hook so much like the bergeron at the end and toe drags are not going to be very easy with that curve or pulling the puck through your skates.

Why would toe drags or pulling the puck through your skates be more difficult with the Bergeron?

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I have used both curves and I pefer the P38 datsyuk better as the bergeron is too big off a curve and its very similar to the gaborik and coffey. The P38 is not more open in the middle and if it is i barley noticed but, does not hook so much like the bergeron at the end and toe drags are not going to be very easy with that curve or pulling the puck through your skates.

Why would toe drags or pulling the puck through your skates be more difficult with the Bergeron?

maybe it was the curve or the user and since the bergeron was such a hook I found it difficult to pull the puck through the skates and the toe drags can be done but I found the puck to jump a bit and was not very controlled. I have switched to the Lindros curve now and I find it to be more suited for me.

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