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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacing pro tacks, what skate is similiar?

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Its time to replace 12yoa's Protacks....He hasn't worn'em out, just grown out of them. As he has always been in CCM tacks of some form or another(except for one set of RBKs) What are the closest to the tacks in fit and style of skate?. I think I did this one time before and I searched several ways but couldn't come up with answer. Skate people out there, please help.

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Reeboks have a wider heel, but the pump can snug it up pretty well. If you can find the pro stock version with no pump, that one is the same fit as a tack.

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Reebok heels are considerably wider than Tack heels. The pump may secure at the ankle bone, but if the heel cup doesn't hold down the heel, then slippage can still occur.

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Closest fit would be another set of Pro Tacks (if he is in senior sizing).

CCM will still do the '04 Pro tacks as a custom option. Of course, its probably going to run you $600. Just thought I would throw it out there *shrug*

I've recently switched from Tacks myself. The RBK skates were too roomy around the heal for me, ended up with the U+ 09 (not the reloaded...the other one). Pretty satisfied so far, then again they only get used once or twice a week as I usually play net.

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What generation pro tacks did your 12yo have (the x52 or x92 generation)? I just went from a size 6 super tacks 852 to a size 5.5 reebok 8k (old non-pump) and the reeboks are definitely deeper. But I don't find them any wider and heel lock feels the same.

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I have the 9K's and they did allow my heel to move inside my skate.

It caused my line to fold over right across the apex of my heel.

I fixed that by heating the liner and pressing it back into place, then I placed a silicon pad in my sock and the skate work very good now.

What size skate are you looking for - I have a 2004 set of 1152's (wide) size 8 that I'm thinking about selling - LS2's + Custom Pro Tongues. Right now they are my back-up skates (have about 80% of life left) and I'm thinking about selling them.

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