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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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i know there was a topic about them maybe coming out in white. searched for aabout 30 min and couldnt find the topic, can someone help me out!

Are they really makeing a white s17 and if so when will it be out?

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It was me and what my easton rep told me is feb or early march they should be available.I am 1 st in line for them.

Talked to my rep today, they will be a "limited Edition" white version of the black ones

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It was me and what my easton rep told me is feb or early march they should be available.I am 1 st in line for them.

You already blow through your custom S15's?

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Nope over 350 time on ice with them (coaching and playing 3 leagues) they are stiff and everything a couple knicks but noting that is compromising the durability of my skate.But you know i am the kind of player that like to have the stuff that almost no one has aleredy.So i got my eyes on the s17 white.But ....the black edition is crazy.

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