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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM/Reebok Euro blade patterns

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I am using the #17 now, i can post pics when i get home.

that would be cool! What sticks do you use with that curve? And what would you say is the lie of the #17?

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I am using the #17 now, i can post pics when i get home.

that would be cool! What sticks do you use with that curve? And what would you say is the lie of the #17?

i generally dont know much about the angle nor does the blade say, i use 2-piece stick with old excel composite shaft and CCM 07 #17 blade. Those blades are cheap a la ~25€

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I'm looking for euro 5 blade pattern clone or closest thing to it in bauer, tps and ccm(US). Pinch more heel than Sakic, toe preferably round but it's not that important.

Any help will be appreciated. ;)

Here's blade chart: (thanks to Kezetto)


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Euro 5 is Lidström in Easton and all its clones for the other brands. I have someone on my team that is using pattern 5 on a U+. Bauer would be P02 which in the US is only offered through the myBauer program. TPS is most likely the Stoll pattern, CCM US maybe 09 Steen or Lecavalier?

Bauer = P02

TPS = Stoll

CCM ~ 09 Steen or Lecavalier curves? dont have a real clone AFAIK

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