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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RM19 Shaft

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You can get the RM 19 with a tapered shaft. If it's anything like its predecessor, the Momentum Comp, and you want to try a tapered shaft, I'd go with the RM 19. I haven't found a shaft I like better than the Momentum Comp. It's proving to be durable and has great feel. The AK does look great, but it feels like a board to me. Maybe it's just that I'm accustomed to tapered shafts, though.

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depends what you want...if you want a standard stick then go with the ak (arguably the best out there), if tapered there are better ones than the rm19 but some people like it, like ^

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I have the RM19 standard and love it, I believe its the XX stiff and have been using for close to a year now and it still has its "kick" on slappers, for the price Id say its a good value, just ordered the SWD RM9 standard blade, short tenon like the yellow ST blades, pretty excited to try it out.

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