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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Flames to go Retro w/ 3rd's

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Good move by the Flames, I think. Resurrecting a retro jersey as a third isn't a particularly original idea these days, but I'm just glad I'm not looking at a black third with the Alberta and Canada flags on the shoulders. Seriously, I know it's their home province and all, but what the hell were they thinking slapping a blue flag on a Flames jersey?

That said, I still won't be buying this one given my aversion to the Edge uniforms and that I own an authentic version from back in the 80s. I WILL, however, kill for those vintage Calgary-colored Vapor XXXXs that Peplinski is rocking.

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Good move by the Flames, I think. Resurrecting a retro jersey as a third isn't a particularly original idea these days, but I'm just glad I'm not looking at a black third with the Alberta and Canada flags on the shoulders. Seriously, I know it's their home province and all, but what the hell were they thinking slapping a blue flag on a Flames jersey?

That said, I still won't be buying this one given my aversion to the Edge uniforms and that I own an authentic version from back in the 80s. I WILL, however, kill for those vintage Calgary-colored Vapor XXXXs that Peplinski is rocking.

The thirds they're wearing on ice are traditional box cuts.

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My bad. You're right. I got lazy and didn't go through the Calgary Sun gallery long enough to see the bottom hem, plus the NHL shield on the collar (which is kind of an eyesore in this case) kinda threw me off.

Maybe it's because haven't been keeping up with uniforms lately, but somehow I thought the box cut was gone for good? Just move the NHL shield back to the bottom back right hem and they'd be fine again.

Regardless, I doubt I'll plunk down for a jersey I kind of sort of already own, but as I said, I'll gladly shell out for the mitts (I'm counting on you, eBay). As a Flames fan and a budding glove whore, I'm excited to see what all of the modern gloves will look like given the retro Calgary color treatment.

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They used the box cut for the montreal striped retros last year, and I think one of the two they're wearing this year uses it too.

I suspect the flames either had boxes of old jerseys lying around or wanted the extra touch of authenticity. Either way, I won't complain. Even though I'm a fan of the slimmer cut of the edge, If you're going to do a straight up throwback, going the extra mile to get the jersey cut and material right is good in my book.

Now the question is, Edge or knit socks?

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love to pick up some gloves of these

Iginla's z-airs would be fantastic!

Good luck. I suspect he'll be keeping those if they keep the jersey past this year.

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I have no delusions of getting them. They'll just look pretty sweet.

Though I would love to get any pair of his z-airs, I doubt it will happen.

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Looks great. I'm a fan of their current jerseys, but it's always nice to see thirds with a flair of nostalgia. Or, in this case, a full replica to pay homage.

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