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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate fit issue

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Question for my hockey guru colleagues...

I'm now wearing a Vapor XXV 10.5 D and I'm having some problems with my heel popping up some. It's more when I try to accelerate and dig in (I coach as well so when I use them while coaching it doesn't pop- only when I play). I've tried the outside in lacing up technique anddoing a lace lock at the top to keep the boot tight. I also went back to the shop and tried the size above and below and both didn't fit.

I have a regular foot so it's not an arch or width issue. I've also skated in vapors since the old black/grey ones then to the vapor XX for 5 years, then these I'm wondering if there is anything I can do (short of buying new skates) to remedy this (a new insert, something...). Thanks in advance

**Had them baked when I first got them

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How do you prefer to lace your skates up? I know a ton of (skilled) guys that skate with them laced more loosely than I lace my regular shoes.

I know you're probably more than comfortable with the way you lace your skates, but you may simply need to go a bit tighter in the mid-high sections of the boot.

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I like them snug and tie them very snug (the outside in and the lac lock at the tight help me tie them the tightest I have ever in my hockey career. They are tied tight but maybe the bed of the heel just isn't right

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How far forward does your foot go in the current boot? If you unlace them and slide your foot as far forward as you can, how much room is behind the heel?

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Your length is exactly right then. So that leaves depth and heel fit. Your boot is either too deep or the heel cup is too wide, or both. What insoles do you have in these things? If you have the stock ones, try something thicker like superfeet. That might help snug things up.

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cptjeff, not to contradict you, but another possibility is his heel could be too wide and never actually sitting properly in the heel cup to begin with.

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have the stock ones in. I'll try an upgrade.

Is the xxv traditionally a deep heel? My feet are pretty normal (never had to buy nontraditional size or anything).

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cptjeff, not to contradict you, but another possibility is his heel could be too wide and never actually sitting properly in the heel cup to begin with.

Don't worry about it. Trying to figure things out from text descriptions can be tricky. I'm quite capable of mistakes.

However, by the fact that he's shoving his foot all the way forward and can only squeeze a pen in there, I'm thinking that if the heel of the skate was too narrow there would be a area behind the heel that would always be somewhat open, and he would be using a longer skate to make up for it. I could be wrong on that, but that's my thought.

Also, to the OP, a heel cup would probalby be a cheap way to test that theory before you go out and drop $40 on superfeet. Of course, most of this board would recommend the superfeet anyway.

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cptjeff, not to contradict you, but another possibility is his heel could be too wide and never actually sitting properly in the heel cup to begin with.

The easy way to figure that out is to put a dime in the heel and see if you can feel it when you put your foot in the skate. My money would be on it being too wide or too much depth.

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Take the skates back to your shop, ask to have them rebaked and compress the heel - depending on how wide the heel is, it may just do the trick for you.

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WHat will compressing the heel do? (spare me "it will compress the heel," please)

If you squeeze the heel together it "might" make the heel more narrow. More often than not, it won't do anything over the long term as the skate will likely return to its wider shape over time.

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