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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Seeking Eagle Glove Help

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Hi All,

I'm looking to get a pair of Eagles PPF's for their MSH2 palms. Living in a country with dismal to non-existent selection at the 2 LHS', I have only been able to try on the gloves of friends.

First off, I'm currently in a pair of Supreme 70's. They are my favorites to date. I like how the glove fits overall in terms of volume and flexibility and the wrist mobility is excellent. I especially like how the glove hugs the back of my hand. The only suspect area in terms of fit are the finger lengths as my fingers touch the end of the gussets (have not had a problem with protection in this regard).

I also have a pair of old, low-end Bauer (not NB) 4-rolls (Impact 500) in 13". The fit is also good, although slightly wider with more volume than the Supremes. Again, my fingers touch the end of the gussets. The bottom of the palm ends right at the end of my actual palm.

I've been able to try on 2 different pairs of eagles. The X70i (13") I tried: finger length was ok but the glove had too much volume for my tastes. The X72 (14") I tried were way too wide and there was too much volume. The gloves would fall off pretty easily. The longer fingers were fine and I loved the MSH2 palms.

So here's my question: would the PPF or the PPFi be a better fit for me ? I've read that the PPF's in general have less volume and width as compared with the above Eagles.

Also, have I been wearing gloves that have been too small all along ?

Thanks in advance for any comments / suggestions.

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If the finger length in the X70i was good for you and you're a fan of the Supreme 70 fit, the PPFi is probably the one you want.

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I'd compare the fit to the X72s moreso than the X70i... The PPFs have tapered gussets, so there will be a lack of volume in the PPF fingers as compared to the X70s.

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