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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Playing Through Injuries and Illness

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My herniated discs are at L4/L5 & L5/S1 in the lumbar area. I've had them for 18 years now. They pretty much ruined playing sports on a regular basis for me since I was 20. Sucks cause I see so many out of shape guys playing sports everyday and my back prevents me from basic running, jumping, etc. Fortunately the gliding motion of hockey is impact free on the back compared to running, etc but the twisting motion don't help. I know most doctors try to avoid back surgery since it isn't close to a 100% thing yet. I've done PT, traction, cortisone shots, stretching(still do), midsection strengthening, ibuprofen before & after games, inversion table, back brace & more. If you can find a workable solution without surgery try it. If you play at a super high level or the pain is debilitating for your daily life only then would I try surgery. And research a lot of doctors and procedures first. Good luck.

eric42434224 - Thanks for the wrist therapy tips. I'm gonna try them this week before my game.

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hope you recover well from those herniated discs. that sounds aweful. i really hope you recover well from them. there is a guy at the gym i work at who has had 3 herniated discs...doesnt sound like fun at all.

get well soon :D

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Flyers, mine are at the same spot, and I've done all those treatments too. I know what you mean about it ruining sports. A few months ago I went for a run and the next day I couldn't even get out of bed because of that pain. I have a preop appointment on Friday and have surgery scheduled for Tuesday. I think it's my best bet because I'm only 18, have gotten an offer to play hockey at a college, and I honestly think I advance my hockey career. Also the pain is just unbearable, especially at school. Best of luck with your back as well I know what it's like and how painful it is.

Thank you flyers and farhanshak for the well wishes, I'm certainly praying that everything goes well on Tuesday

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The most serious one I had was a pulled knee ligament... although it wasn't torn, it was a pretty severe pull, it nearly tore off on one side and was just barely hanging on to the bone. Took nearly two months for me to be able to play, and it still wasn't in full condition.

I've had other issues like sprains and stuff, but the funny thing about the human body (or maybe it's only me...) is that you really don't feel that it's serious until after a day or two. The day I injured my ligament, I got a hip check to the knee from my side (I tried to jump and dodge it), couldn't stand up for the next few seconds. But I was back playing on my next shift! After the game was over I thought it would go away in a week at the longest...went home , slept for the night, and the next morning, I couldn't eve get up! lol

That damn adrenaline!! Kills the pain!!

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I've been playing with a pulled groin for about a year now including a 3 month break. I am not so sure its a pulled groin anymore.

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Broken wrist: x2

Seperated Right shoulder: x2

Seperated Left Shoulder: x1

Broken jaw: x1

Dislocated jaw: x1

Partial ACL/ meniscus tear: x1 (on going)

Broken nose: x1

Various broken fingers/ toes.

Attended training camp the second day after I had a cast off my leg for a compound fracture from a Motocross accident.

Stitches in my cheek/ orbital bone.

Play every game with bone chips in both elbows. (ALWAYS wear the elbow pads...)

Flu/ rhea (every time), the "rhea" (only once, never again)

Concussions for a while before they were known as concussions.

I'm probably missing some things. I'm not a warrior, I've just been injured a lot, and I hate missing any hockey ever!

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