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The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown

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Just finished it this morning. I liked it, but not as much as the DaVinci Code or Angels and Demons. I felt like it was slow at times and tended to be somewhat redundant, especially in regards to some of the dialogue.

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Very good book. The first third of it felt a bit too formulaic, too much like the DaVinci Code in the character development and the story arc. The new artifacts, legends, and conspiricy are very interesting and after that the story took more of its own course and was hard to put down. I have to agree with figgifumi _11, not as good as Angels and Demons or DaVinci or his other books IMO, but quite good none the less. I would highly recommend it to others.

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haven't read, prolly get it, just wondering if he ended with the main characters starting to have sex again...i have 3 (davinchi, a&d, and the one set in north pole or something forgot the name) and they all ended like that lol

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haven't read, prolly get it, just wondering if he ended with the main characters starting to have sex again...i have 3 (davinchi, a&d, and the one set in north pole or something forgot the name) and they all ended like that lol

some "happy ending" huh? Didn't get it yet. Waiting for pop to get it on discount @ the wholesale club. Or I'll check it out at the library.

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haven't read, prolly get it, just wondering if he ended with the main characters starting to have sex again...i have 3 (davinchi, a&d, and the one set in north pole or something forgot the name) and they all ended like that lol

Deception Point.

I really liked the protagonist in his new book though. I thought his backstory was great.

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Does it follow the story of langdon, or is it like deception point and digital fortress and is an independant story?

It follows Langdon's story line and makes mention of his involvement in the DaVinci Code and Angels and Demons.

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