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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok 10K Pro return sticks

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Out of curiosity, does the curve resemble the curve pictures provided by HM? It doesn't seem like it to me, but you obviously have a better opportunity to say. It's frustrating how poorly of a job HM does in demonstrating the curves.

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Out of curiosity, does the curve resemble the curve pictures provided by HM? It doesn't seem like it to me, but you obviously have a better opportunity to say. It's frustrating how poorly of a job HM does in demonstrating the curves.

You are right it's a little less opened and less curved in real than on the picture. At first I tough they did a correct job by putting at least every pattern on the site to give an idea.

My stick is all black, maybe because it's clear (like the retail version). Cause the image shown on the monkey is the white one.

And the stick had no cosmetic issues but really minor "scratches" at the bottom of the shaft. Had a lot of stickers on it that left glue when removed...

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the hosel looks very boxy, or is it just the picture>

The shaft is rounded and becomes very boxy at the bottom near the blade. Is that what you mean by the "hossel" part?

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