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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Psychology Help

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I am taking a first year psych class in University. It's starting to pick up and gain a little interest for me, but before last week (were a month in) I just couldn't handle the ramblings. I've gone over my notes and am doing my research, but would love a little help. I need to come up for a few questions on this topic (preferably 2) and then research answers as well. I'd really love some help with finding questions to ask about this.

It's for stimulating memories.

- A good deal of Brain surgery is done with the patient fully conscious.. The Brain has no pain receptors, so brain surgery is painless once the scalp has been numbed with a local anastethic. It is a sensible precaution to stimulate them first to make sure that they don't do something that their removal will be an unacceptable risk. Back in the 1950s Dr. Wilder Penfield developed a technique to treat inactic epileptic seizures by removing the small part of the brain where the abnormal electrical activity began.

I need to go from this and create questions about : Brain Pain receptors, Brain Stimulating and Cerebral Cortex.

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...I'm really not sure I know what you are asking us to do (maybe I am just slow...). If you could give us an example as to what you are looking for we might be able to offer more help. Well, I HOPE we can offer more help, anyways.

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Basically questions among these need to be brought up. I came up with a few.

Why can the brain feel hot and cold, but not pain?

That was my main question, I broke off into it a little, I'm on my way out the door in a minute or else I would look up the other question and break-offs that go with it.

Things weren't very well explained to me and I'm not exactly acing the class (I have no interest in the class). I have emailed the group 4 questions total so I'm hoping thats enough.

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How do they stimulate them to make sure that they don't do something that their removal will be an unacceptable risk?

what kind of removal are they talking about?

i dunno.... :huh:

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