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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tendon guard in the way

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I'm trying to switch from kor shift 1 to a pair of graf ultra g 5 and have an issue with toe flick and extension.

The kors are really low compared to the graf and the tendon guards are pretty floppy at this point.

The grafs tendon guards are restricting my movement and I'm wondering if it's a big deal to just bend the damn things out of the way.

They already have a little crease where they meet the boot. What's the point of the tendon guard other than just some leather over your tendon to I guess protect if from getting cut??

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Shouldn't be a big deal to bend it back to give yourself some more flex. I personally have had my last two pair of skates made without or "half" a tendon guard so that it's just material at the top. I prefer it way better. Have had no problems related to taking the hard plastic out. I think its all about preference and its giving up a small amount of protection so I felt it was worth the comfort.

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Shouldn't be a big deal to bend it back to give yourself some more flex. I personally have had my last two pair of skates made without or "half" a tendon guard so that it's just material at the top. I prefer it way better. Have had no problems related to taking the hard plastic out. I think its all about preference and its giving up a small amount of protection so I felt it was worth the comfort.


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