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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shaft and Wood Blade Question

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You can achieve balance with a wood blade however but putting in even the smalled wooden butt end helps alot. Are you looking for standard shafts or tapered? If standard I recomend Easton ST shaft with either a sherwood 950 blade or you best bet would be a Wooden one95 blade. You could also look into an older or newer Ak but the newer might pass your budget, another good choice would be the on95 shafts itself or warrior johnson shaft with the same blade combos.

If you're looking into tapered try a Reebok 8K or dolomite shaft, however I don't know much about tapered blades.

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I would personally go 8k or R8 and Easton tapered wood blade. The tapered blade has a lot less mass and is shorter than standard, so it would throw off the balance less. Should be $140 or less shipped USD.

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If you're looking for a standard blade/shaft combo, I recommend the One95 and trying to find a Montreal M95 wood blade for it. Tapered, you can find a RBK 7k for cheap and go with an Easton Synergy II wood blade. Whatever you do, do not buy a NikeBauer wood blade, tapered or standard. They have ZERO durability and go soft extremely quickly, even after removing the tape immediately after every skate. At least this was my experience.

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...and go with an Easton Synergy II wood blade.

Is there anywhere online to buy these? I've looked on all the usual suspects sites and can't find any. Looking for Right/Zetterberg.

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