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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok 10K or Warrier MacDaddy and Easton Synergy Elite

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I have one wood montreal back up stick that I love but I was wondering what you guys would do if you needed a new game stick and had about 200 to spend? I am looking at these two options.

Reebok 10K =200


Warrior MacDaddy 100


Easton Synergy Elite 135

Is two always better than one? I hate to spend 200 on one stick but the Reebok 10k seems to be worth it based on reviews. Is the newer tech that much better.


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I'd go MacDaddy as I'm a fan of the Warrior stuff. I'm a little bothered by the fact that the 10k is $200 for a fused two-piece.

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i'd go with the mac daddy and se. i really enjoyed my shot with the se, a nice quick release. and my mac daddy held up very well for a while. but i've never used the 10k but based on those prices for those two sticks i think that be a good deal. in my opinion

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I am not a fan of warrior so I would go with the 10k, just my opinion.

Funny, I was about to recommend that Neely buy 2 Mac Daddy's. PP, I guess.

I've found the Warrior blades more durable than most other companies and if you can get 2 MD for the price of 1 10K you're set for a good long time. Any stick can last forever or snap in the first game, so double down when you can.

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i would go with a macdaddy and elite...

i have an easton se and i love it. its now turned into a 2 piece because i broke the blade, but its still a great stick.

ive shot around a warrior macdaddy before and it was pretty alright too...good kick (85 flex) and had a decent feel for the puck too. pretty light.

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I am all so a fan of the macdaddy. Used it for the last 3 seasons. But i am running out of them so need to find a replacement.

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I haven't used MacDaddy's before, however I have two 08' Dolos and i'm happy with them. They are very durable, good feel and decent release. I was at my LHS yesterday fooling around with the S19/10k/and the new 8.0.8, My LHS usually has a really good boxing day sale, so odds are I will pick up one of either the 10K or 8.0.8. A friend of mine had a pro stock 10K toews, which I goofed around with, it felt good even for being a lefty.

So in short, I doubt I buy a Warrior for my next stick, it will most likely be a 10K.

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