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delayed penalty?

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Under USA Hockey rules, yes. It was a rule for years but was removed for the last six or eight years and was put back in place for this season.

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Under USA Hockey rules, yes. It was a rule for years but was removed for the last six or eight years and was put back in place for this season.

Does that mean on the stats the player is still attributed with 2 minutes?

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Under USA Hockey rules, yes. It was a rule for years but was removed for the last six or eight years and was put back in place for this season.

Does that mean on the stats the player is still attributed with 2 minutes?

I would assume so, though the time itself is rarely an issue. The more important consideration is that it counts when figuring the game misconduct for five penalties in a game. That it why it was put back into effect, to make sure guys weren't getting away with a "free" penalty.

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Under USA Hockey rules, yes. It was a rule for years but was removed for the last six or eight years and was put back in place for this season.

Does that mean on the stats the player is still attributed with 2 minutes?

They are penalty infraction minutes... it has nothing to do with time served.... think about it, what do you get if they score two seconds into the PP?

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Under USA Hockey rules, yes. It was a rule for years but was removed for the last six or eight years and was put back in place for this season.

Does that mean on the stats the player is still attributed with 2 minutes?

They are penalty infraction minutes... it has nothing to do with time served.... think about it, what do you get if they score two seconds into the PP?

Same with those handed out with post-game scrums.

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wow, really? you guys still record it in the states? that's crazy

Here in canada we just wave it off, i imagine their reasoning is that it's too many numbers to remember when report a goal...who knows.

I agree that they should be recorded, however, there's been a few times where a player could have gotten a game misconduct for 3 stick infractions in one game a few times when i was reffing but one of their penalties may have ended up washed out due to a goal on the delay.

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