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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS Shafts

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Im highly considering going back to the shaft plus blade rather than the OPS due to costs. It just makes more sense to me to go the 2piece way as a means of saving costs in the long run. My question is that im highly considering a TPS R8 tapered shaft to pair with a Reebok 8K blade. Ive used the OPS version of the 8K setup and liked it but would prefer something with just a little more stiffness. TPS offers shafts the come in roughly the equivalent to a 90-95 flex. How much would these roughly break in and whip out once they're used for a little while?


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I have indeed heard about TPS shafts breaking in a decent amount, but I'm not sure how quickly. Most people say they get about 10 flex whippier.

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