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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The 2009-2010 Suspension Thread

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Anytime you cross the blueline you need to know where the defensemen is. Period. Sutton didn't come across the whole rink to hit him, he came from his position to hit the man he would be responsible for if he had blown past the backchecker. Sutton is a lot bigger than Leopold, which resulted in the hit to the head. Dump the puck in when you hit the redline or pay the consequence. Simple as that.

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Nice job by Cooke today, should have been more than a minor. He won't be suspended for trying to drive the guy through the boards from behind, but he should. Especially given his history.

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Colin Campbell doesn't send messages that people understand, why start now. I am extremely disappointed that Devo only called a minor on the play. I'll have to ask him about that next time I see him.

Bringing this back from the dead:

Today Devo talked to a bunch of us at a ref clinic and mentioned this specifically. He said he was having a bad game (knew it before the hit happened) and apologized to coach Q before the game the next night in LA, as he had the Hawks game the next night against the Kings.

On an unrelated note, USA Hockey Atlantic district refused to let him work with officials in the area last year as he "wasn't qualified" since he did not have USA Hockey certification. So this year, he was at the clinic taking his level one course and paying his $60. He had a lot of interesting things to say, but they don't need to be repeated here.

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He's a good guy, last thing I'm going to do is repeat anything that could be taken out of context. The important stuff was covered, he admitted he screwed up the call and the Atlantic District treated him poorly.

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