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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Attention All Goalies!

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I just had a question to any of the goalies that are here. About a year ago, I started playing hockey. I'm sort of a late bloomer, starting out at 13. When I first wanted to play hockey, I wanted to be a goalie. However, my parents signed me up as a player, but I still want to play in goal really badly. I am very curious to know what playing in goal is like. So, what is it like? Is it fun? Do you enjoy playing in goal? Why did you choose to play in goal?



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I'm a player who has tried Tendy numerous times.

It is difficult, especially when you try Roller goalie and its frigg'n 98 degrees!

My advice is make sure you start with a good coach and the rest will come in good time. Best of luck, apologies if I ever snipe one past you. ;)

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Attention All Goalies....

Show up to stick time,open hockey, sticks and pucks, what ever you want to call it. IT'S YOUR PUBLIC DUTY AS A PERSON CRAZY ENOUGH TO PLAY GOAL! lol :P, seriously though, please show up.

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I've been playing a lot of goalie lately, because no other goalies have been showing up at pickup.

I always say they are different kinds of fun and different kinds of tired. Playing out is more of a team experience, from chatting on the bench to playing cohesively with teammates, and the sprinting and recovering is exhausting. Playing goalie is a bit more of an island, but it's a great feeling to stop somebody's dreams. However, in comparison to playing out, the exhaustion at goalie is more like a slow leak, almost like low blood sugar as your energy slowly drains.

Between the two, I prefer playing out but I like them both.

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My brother and I started playing with a small group of friends when our area got an IHL team back in the early '90's. We just played on skates on tennis courts at first and then found a few local roller rinks to rent and then open stick times. I quickly noticed that there were always so few goaltenders to come out and did not really care for the hooking and physical play of many forwards and defensemen. Then I got my two front teeth knocked out from a high stick and that was one of the last times I "skated out". I played net ever since then.

There is no doubt that you can feel a certain amount of pressure in the position just like being the pitcher in baseball or quarterback in football. But when you are playing well, it feels pretty good as well.

I think a lot of goalies get to the point where they really dislike getting scored on regardless of how the scoring opportunity has transpired but you have to get some support from your team mates and forget about the last goal and just play your best and remember that it is called "a game" for a reason. Relax and try to have fun. You can be competitive and still have fun.

There is also no doubt that the postion of goaltender is very expensive when you first start and the expense over the years. The gear and the cost of the gear should be carefully considered if you intend to stay with it. It is always good to be able to try with a friend's gear and ask questions, thinking about how you yourself intend to grow with the sport.

I have never been coached so much of the way I play has been through sort of emulation of watching pro-hockey games, trial and error and just game to game experience. I am sure a lot of these kids around me sometimes play better because of the fundamentals they receive from better guidance and coaching. I am sure a good coach can make the game a little easier for many people no matter what position you play.

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