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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tour OPS any feedback?

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Just wondered if anyone has tried the new Tour OPS?

I haven't tried it, but I hope it's a better effort than the Spoiler wave. Don't get me wrong, the stick would launch absolute rockets, and was very durable, but it weighed about 14lbs...

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I heard that the nominal weight was 490 gms, but that it felt about the same as the regular Synergy, and that it had great feel from someone else..just wanted to get a wider opinion....and given the $1800 - 2000 we have dropped on Synergies and blades in the last 12 months..the "durable" part has much appeal....

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The one I saw at TORHS wasnt bad. It had a nice grip, a blade about the same width of the synergy, and it felt pretty solid. I didnt get to try it out of course, but it looked ilke a nice stick. Supposedly the retail price is going to be around $100. For that price I would say its worth trying out for sure.

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I heard that the nominal weight was 490 gms, but that it felt about the same as the regular Synergy, and that it had great feel from someone else..

490 isn't that bad, especially if it's balanced well (which is more important IMO). Sounds good, especially since the Spoiler shaft alone weighed almost as much as that one piece... seriously. Then again, you could probably use it to drive in railroad stakes it was so durable and stiff.

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If you're talking about the all green one, then I felt it. It was 100 bucks, and it's not bad. Felt pretty light, maybe a little heavier than the Synergy. The blade must have been a Modo clone, looked very close to it. The only thing I didn't like was that it felt kind of plasticky (spelling?) Like it wasn't made of graphite, but more fiberglass than anything else. I flicked the shaft with my finger and it made a sound like when you hit something made of plastic, like a PVC tube or something. So I don't know how sturdy it is, cuz it didn't feel too strong. But for 100 bucks, the weight was ok, the blade was a good modo knock-off, and the shape of the shaft was pretty good too.

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Actually "glass" is usually stronger and more durable than graphite because of the length of the fibers, but not used as much in recent years because of the weight issues.....as I understand it there is some newer material technology out that cuts down on the weight issues somewhat, and allows the use of glass again. From others I have spoken to, the stick is reported to be much more durable, although slightly heavier, but have a good shooting response. However I have only talked to the manufacturer, and one or two other players who have used it..hence the post.

As I understand it the Modano curve is the only one available at present.

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some of the new Bauers I believe may have some more glass in them..it's a recent breakthrough in the technology in one of the factories over in China...cannot say more

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