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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Fitting Problem

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Have a small skate problem...I was wearing Bauer Supremes, size 8.5, but they hurt my feet even after two seasons of playing, so I picked up a pair of Vapor 6's, size 9, on clearance before the start of this winter season. I've only played 3 games in them, so I clearly understand more time is needed for break-in. I bought the Vapor's because when I initially tried them on they felt great, and I could just slightly feather the toe, unlike my supremes which were a tight fit. During my last game my feet were aching (width-wise) halfway through the first since I seem to have to tie my Vapor's tighter to "lock" my foot in better. I skated ok during the game (even with the foot pain), but when I took my skates off it literally hurt to stand cause they were aching so bad. Anyways, after reading a recent thread on Skate baking and how it caused the skate to "widen", I'm worried about trying to bake the skates to gid rid of some of this pain. More importantly, will baking "stretch" the fit any? I ask because although I want a better, less painful fit, I DON'T want the skate to get any bigger inside since I already have to lace them REAL tight to lock my heal down. Would I benefit from baking the skate, or do you all just suggest fighting this one out and letting the skates break in naturally??? It's frustrating that I bought a skate that fit well, and now I'm beginning to have second-thoughts on whether I made the right choice. And I'm an old man (30), BTW, so my feet won't do any more growing.


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Baking them should help with some of the problems. I have never heard of the skate getting wider before the post a couple of days ago.

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Baking them should help with some of the problems. I have never heard of the skate getting wider before the post a couple of days ago.

Me either... logic would tell me (as well as my own experience) that the boot couldn't get any wider than your own foot by heat molding. Unless you start running around the room (or skate on them) while they're still hot.

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I had the EXACT same problem with all my skates. your feet are most likely too wide for a D width (the standard width in skates). i ened up ordering EE in easton but even that didint work for me so i had to get custom vapor xx's. the xx's were the only skate that didnt hurt my feet in all the years and pairs of skates ive gone through... get someone at your lhs to see what width your feet are... and if they are like mine (wider than a EEE skate) you might have to go the custom way :(

i know what you go through after games when you cant even stand up... i used to ahve to sit in the locker room 15-20 minutes before i could stand up or sometimes even take my skates all the way off...

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