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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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U+ with LS2.1

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Hey guys,

I recently got a pair of CCM U+ skates. My last pair was the x60s which fit me perfect but self destructed, which is my reason for the brand switch.

I loved my LS2s on my vapors so would there be any complication getting ls2s on the U+s?

Also, does anyone think itd be a good idea to put LS2.1s on? Is the transition to the longer runner that drastic?

Thanks for the help boys

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Yea, nothign wrong with the E-Pro holder. You can probably keep the Rocket Runners and try them out while getting some regular steel to pop in once you decide you do not like the RRs

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The 08 U+ pros definately have durability issues. Mine look terrible at this point (the outer coating is peeling in 4 or 5 spots, and is bubbled in a bunch of others, the liner is wearing away in several spots, etc) and ive only used them for a little less than 1 season. Although the stiffness and actual structure of the boot seem to be intact they look like hell, i will probably be upgrading to the reloaded's very soon because i do like the way the U+'s skate as well as the light weight/fit but I definately was not happy with the durability of the first generation. Honestly the rocket runner was one of the things I actually liked about the original U+'s, light weight and seems to hold an edge for a while too.

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