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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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705 vs 735 depth

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I seem to remember reading that graf 735 where a bit deeper in instep than 705's, despite what the marketing literature says.

Anyone confirm/deny for sure? Same for G series?


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From my personal experience I have to disagree. The 705 is a deeper fit than the 735's. I have the 735's and the fit is closer to the 703's. I recently tried on a pair of 705's at a LHS and found the fit considerably deeper than my 735's. I really liked the deeper fit enough to actually consider the 705's if I ever go for Graf skates again.

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Not difficult at all. However, as the post says, i seemed to have heard otherwise. Since this is a board where many have much personal experience with hockey gear, I thought it would be a good place to ask a question. Sorry to have offended you.

From my personal experience I have to disagree. The 705 is a deeper fit than the 735's. I have the 735's and the fit is closer to the 703's. I recently tried on a pair of 705's at a LHS and found the fit considerably deeper than my 735's. I really liked the deeper fit enough to actually consider the 705's if I ever go for Graf skates again.


Thanks for an informative answer! Much appreciated.

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