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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Adding Blade Texture

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Necro bump.

Just got a couple new Ribcor Pro PMT sticks that have a textured surface on the blade.  Feels pretty grippy and I could certainly see it gripping a puck well.

Use it without tape?  Seems like if I tape it, there'd be no difference to a normal blade...

Tempted to tape one and not the other just to see, but I figure someone here has already done that...


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6 minutes ago, marka said:


Necro bump.

Just got a couple new Ribcor Pro PMT sticks that have a textured surface on the blade.  Feels pretty grippy and I could certainly see it gripping a puck well.

Use it without tape?  Seems like if I tape it, there'd be no difference to a normal blade...

Tempted to tape one and not the other just to see, but I figure someone here has already done that...


Tape protects a blade.  Use the tape.  With wax.

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