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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Recomendation for an Easton curve

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Thinking of buying some Easton blades. Trying to figure out what curve to go with. I play wing, mostly ice, rarely slapshot, mainly wrist, use the backhand both for passing and shooting a fair bit and stick handle to a degree but nothing too flash. I also usually get lots of heel wear. Currently using CCM V20 with a sundin curve whci I don't like. Too much loft being the main problem.

Thanks in advance


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I play almost the same way you do and I went from using the CCM Sundin curve a few years ago to using the Easton Drury/Mission Carter and I love it.

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Hey man, I am a wing too and I use my backhand a ton for shots and passing and the Modano curve is phenomenal for just that. If you like more of a mid-curve, rather than a mid-heel, the iggy is good for wrist shots and it pretty good for backhanders.

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I agree with the Modano, when I had synergies, I LOVED that curve, it's great for wristers and snap shots. And if I'm not mistaken it has the least loft of any Easton curves.

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Not sure if it's too late to add my two cents, but consider a Sakic or an Yzerman as well...

Yzerman isn't a good ideea if you use your backhand, even the Sakic is a bit lacking in that area.

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