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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skating on outdoor/natural ice

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Hey guys, I have this rainwater pond near my house newly formed due to the land being developed for housing. This pond seems large enough and shallow enough for it to freeze quite well during the winter. My quesiton is will skating on this possible ice will have much negative effects on my skates?

If so, will a sharpening polish it? Or should I buy a used pair from Play It Again as a pair specifically for outdoors?

On a side note, a few years ago, a large pond of similar circumstances formed near my house. Almost everyday I would walk by it and test the ice, and scrape any snow off of it. Skating and playing on it (I didint have any equipment at the time) was and will be one of the best memories in my life. The peculiar activity of old-time pond hockey in the middle of urban Mississauga is quite an experience :)

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I have a spare set of steel for my G3's that I just have done with a 1/2" sharpening. Use them for any outdoor/public skates with the little one. Save the FBV for when I really need it. I do have 2 sets with the FBV so if I nick one up bad I can swap them out. Just need to grab another set for my 703's now.

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