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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Several Years Out of the Net

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Hello gentlemen, well... I've been out of the net for about 7 years and am looking to get back in. I'm sure a lot of things have changed since then, maybe... maybe not. I was wondering if anyone has seen the "vintage leather" pads around, the ones Price used for the Habs. Looking to just invest in some new pads and dump off my old Bauer Vapor 6's... don't care what brand as long as they'll last me.

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Since that thread was posted, Viper has moved to a different setup: you now have to go through a dealer, as James won't do direct orders anymore. Vortek is now completely dead. Glenn Miller is now making gear under his own banner again, but no word on his access to leather or any other retro material.

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saw some custom retro work on Battram...forgot how damn expensive it is in net... 1800 for a set! rough man, rough

Some things are cheaper, just not made as well. You can get some pads to last you a couple of years for 1/3 of that price.

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Bear in mind that Battram and Smith are among the cheapest options in terms of custom gear. Going through a major brand (Brian's, Vaughn, etc.) would be far, far more expensive.

I don't recommend the pads for quality, but there have been a few sets of brand new retro Sherwood 9990s floating around eBay recently for about $500. They're not beautifully made, and the retro effect isn't gorgeous, but it's decent. There are also used retro Battam sets from time to time, but they're bid up quite quickly.

My general recommendation for guys working their way back in is to buy used pro-grade gear rather than new, and live with what colours they can get. There have been some crazy deals on Eagle closeouts recently, for example.

If you're dead set on the retro look, maybe wait until tax-return time and put it towards a Battram or Smith set. You won't be disappointed.

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