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Diabetes Pump during hockey

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I know there have been topics regarding diabetes and hockey before but i have something different to ask. I have been thinking about switching to the pump and have spoke to AHL and NHL players who use it during games. Does anybody on MSH have type 1 diabetes and use the pump when playing hockey?

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One of our HS kids does..not sure if he uses it DURING Games though. I think he takes it off..but always has a Gatorade or two on the bench. And his med kit is on hand with the AT.

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One of my buddys on my team this year wears his while he is playing. He cut a little whole in his pants so the pump just sits in it like a pocket.

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Regardless of whether or not you'd use it during hockey, I think it is a no-brainer to switch to the pump for glucose management. You are going to see much tighter groupings on all your blood sugars, A1c will go down, it gives you a lot more control as far as not having to have set meal plans, the list could go on and on. I've been on pumps for ten years now and would never go back to injections.

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Was on the pump throughout HS, twenty four now. Never wore it while I was playing, but looking back, I wish I had. It was one of the Medtronic pumps, and if you can get it into a padded pouch (with the insulin line tucked safely away as well, duh) I think it would be quite safe between your belly button and jock (also likely close to your catheter). Maybe you can find a way to incorporate the pouch onto your pants' belt to hold it there.

I left the pump because I was fed up with the injection site mess that always seemed to pop up after 48 hours, and am doing daily injections again coupled with Lantus insulin.

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I'm on Novo & Lantus. Diabetic since 4 1/2, 33 now. Doc wants me to go pump, but I find it more convenient to inject during meals. Hate the idea of having something attached to me.

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One of our players here uses an insulin pump during games. If you have any questions, post them and I will see if I can get answers for you.

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I have been diabetic for 10 years and a medtronic pump user for 8 years. I was instructed not to wear the unit during physical activity because of the danger of having a low blood sugar episode. I keep Glucose tablets and my meter on the bench in case I do not feel right, so that I can treat it quickly. Nick Boynton is a diabetic player in the NHL and there was a story about him in Diabetes Health. A link to that article is here Nick Boynton Article. Best of Luck

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Glad to see Joslin Diabetes referenced in the Boynton article, went to camp there for seven summers, best sugar controlled summers of my life... I'm certain.

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ive had diabetes for 2 years now( 16 now), pump for one(medtronic). When i started with the pump i took out the abdominal 'padding' from my tackla pants and put my pump there but now i find that it is easier to just to take it off righ before i get on the ice and put it back on after i shower. i usually find that i tend to go lower anyways about 2 hours after i get off the ice so no real problem with highs when taking it off. And also i keep a kit with a monitor, juice, skittles etc.. on the bench

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