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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2 different foot types, 1 skate

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The skates I'm on right now are the Bauer Vapor X:40 with superfeet. Everything fits great (length, width, good heel lock).

The problem I have isn't specific to this skate but also applies to all the other skates I have previously owned. I can crank my left skate very tight with no pain or pressure at all but I can't say the same for my right. I have to ease off on the laces right where my foot arcs (about 3-4 eyelets up from the bottom) or else it feels like there is a lot of pressure on the bone (top of the foot).

I like to have my skates very tight (of course not to the point where circulation gets cut off), and I find I can't tie my right skate as tight due to the reason described above.

Has anyone else had this kind of problem with their skates? If so, what do you suggest I can do to fix this issue?


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It's not so much that it hurts, but I just feel a lot of pressure there when I tighten my skates too much. My arches are fine and I don't have flat feet.

I think it might be the instep that is a little higher on my right foot than my left foot

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I had pain at the same spot, only on my right foot. I took a blow dryer and heated that spot on the skate and then pressed it out with the butt end of a screwdriver. Then I laced up the skates until the boot cooled.

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I'm not sure if I was clear enough in my previous posts so I've decided to include an image to show exactly where the pressure is being felt.

By just looking at my feet side by side, they look identical but putting them in skates say otherwise.

It's the medial cuneiform bone. I think one on the right foot is bigger (pops up more?) than my left foot.


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ye i get that...i can crank left foot down but my right foot i have to leave that area loose before i crank down the laces at the top eyelets, for me its fine after that

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K9...that's what I am doing too :D

Looks like I'm not the only one on here that is having this problem heh. I think I might try the blow dryer and punching out the tongue as and earlier poster has suggested

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Got the same problem. One foot has a large bone that sticks out on the inside of the foot, the other doesn't.

With good arch support the extent that the bone sticks out is reduced significantly but its still a problem.

I'm hoping the 'Alive' material ine the one95s will be able to form around this bone to get rid of the problem. Anyone with this problem currently skating in one95s?

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I've found that Superfeet footbeds help tremendously. I walked into a pro shop asking for suggestions and the first thing they pointed to was the footbeds. The very next game the pain was gone.

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I have superfeet insoles and though they do an excellent job of supporting my arch and help with my balance. The problem I originally described still exists but have lessened quite a bit now that the skate is more broken in

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The skates I'm on right now are the Bauer Vapor X:40 with superfeet. Everything fits great (length, width, good heel lock).

The problem I have isn't specific to this skate but also applies to all the other skates I have previously owned. I can crank my left skate very tight with no pain or pressure at all but I can't say the same for my right. I have to ease off on the laces right where my foot arcs (about 3-4 eyelets up from the bottom) or else it feels like there is a lot of pressure on the bone (top of the foot).

I like to have my skates very tight (of course not to the point where circulation gets cut off), and I find I can't tie my right skate as tight due to the reason described above.

Has anyone else had this kind of problem with their skates? If so, what do you suggest I can do to fix this issue?


I have the EXACT same problem I can get my left tighter then my right skate. It's not because it hurts though it just doesn't lace down all the way.

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