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TSN Asks: "Who is the Greatest Hab of All Time?"

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Figure this is separate enough from the '09-10 thread to start it's own.

Great arguements for all...but I'd say by virtue of the fact that he was an Icon not only for hockey, but for Francophones in general...and his Image/Legend transcends Hockey and the NHL...I gotta say "Rocket".

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In my completely unqualified opinion, Richard. That's a tough pick though, hard to go wrong. I didn't realize he played in 13 straight all star games, impressive.

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Yeah it's tough because I've never seen the Rocket play or Beliveau...my personal favorite when I was a kid has always been Big bird...Robinson was my main influence for sure. But theres so many...i gues you have to say the Rocket just because of how much he changed hockey for Quebecers (being from Quebec).

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Yeah it's hard to compare them being from different era's, nobody's seen all of them play. You really just have clips and stats and stories to go from.

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Great debate though. Of those 7 TSN suggestions...any one of them is the right answer...every one of those players can be justifiably given that title.

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I always thought Rocket Richard's legacy in Quebec would never be matched, however I feel as if Belliveau may have been the slighly more skilled of the two. Although no others can really compare to the Rocket, picking Lefleur, Belliveau or even Morenz couldn't be wrong.

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1 - He was French Canadian AND working class.

2 - He played every game with 100% heart.

3 - All the records + Cups he helped bring back to Montreal.

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Not a Canadiens fan or knowlegeable on much history but I would go with Vincent Damphousse or Patrick Roy

Patrick Roy I can see the argument...but Vincent Damphouse as the GREATEST Habs of all time? Really?

Now, I don't see any (/sarcasm) or smileys...so I can only assume you are serious.

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Not a Canadiens fan or knowlegeable on much history but I would go with Vincent Damphousse or Patrick Roy

Patrick Roy I can see the argument...but Vincent Damphouse as the GREATEST Habs of all time? Really?

Now, I don't see any (/sarcasm) or smileys...so I can only assume you are serious.

LOL I dunno, man i'll stick with ROy

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