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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Does anyone have opinions on the CCM V10 inline skates?

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I need to get new skates this month, probably as a Christmas present. I've been running Mission 9500's since they came out and I've loved them but its just time for a new pair. Last year I got a pair of CCM V08 ice skates and I can't say a bad thing about them. They fit my feet perfectly and are super comfortable and I feel like I skate great with them. So I'm really interested in the V10 inline skates because I've had such a good experience with the ice skates, so I just want to see what other people think of these. Are they worth the money? Is the inline boot comparable to the ice boot? And would I be better off just getting a new pair of V09 ice skates and converting them to inline skates?

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"Is the inline boot comparable to the ice boot?"

Fit-wise, they are the same, but most inline boots aren't as stiff as the ice couterpart. I have Vector 6s for ice from '07, and they're stiffer than my '08 vector 8 inline. I skated pf10s (the vector 10 inline from 05 or 06) for 2 years or so until I got my current skates. I was really happy with them, and didn't have any problem, they just started falling apart. I wish the 8s I have now were stiffer.

My biggest complaint with the Vector 10 inline is the crappy bearings that come with them. I'm not a huge fan of mico-bearings to begin with, but the ones that come stock seem extra-sucky.

For me, the problem with buying new ice skates and converting them to inline is the extra price. Between buying a chassis, wheels, and bearings and maybe paying someone to mount everything, you're probably out at least an extra $100, probably more. But, if you're over-all happier with the conversions, it might be worth it. Spread that $100 out over time, and maybe it's worth $40 a year to have skates you really like.

There are a couple threads discussing the current tri-di chassis. I haven't had any problem with the older models, but I believe people have said CCM has taken out some of the internal bracing, which can lead to it denting easier. As far as chassis transition, I switched from the hi-lo chassis to the tri-di, and didn't have any problems at all. There are also a few threads where people compare that two.

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