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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick Problems

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I am currently using a uncut intermediate Bauer One95, PM9 curve. When I am receiving a pass, it sometimes seems to go under the blade and I can't control the puck. Looking at my blade, I have a decent amount of wear on the heel of my tape. Does this mean a lower lie or high lie would be needed? Also, would shortening the stick also help (even though I like a longer stick)?


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I believe that a higher lie is farther away from you, a lower lie is closer?

Correct me if i'm wrong.

How long have you had it because generally you can get used to it in a game or so.

Where is your stick coming to when youre on skates.

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Normally wear at the heel would indicate that you need a lower lie. That said, the only sticks I know of with lower lies than the PM9 (lie 5) are junior sticks / blades that are typically between 4-5 lie.

Depending on how tall you are, it may be that the stick is too long. This may make it impossible for you to hold the blade flat on the ice in a comfortable position (because you would have to hold your hands very high).

Try standing in skates and hold the stick comfortably with your knees mildly bent (think "ready" stance). When you do that, is the blade relatively flat on the ice or sitting on the heel?

If the answer is that the blade is on its heel, what happens if you choke up so that your top hand is no longer on the butt end of the stick. If you can get comfortable with the blade flat on the ice while choking up, then you may want to cut your stick

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There was a post I found from this very site that has helped me remember which is which:

-A higher lie (towards 7) makes the stick look like a 7

-A lower lie (towards 1) makes the stick look like a 1

If the heel has more wear, then I believe your stick is like a 7 and you need a lower lie. Experts can correct me if I'm wrong.

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There was a post I found from this very site that has helped me remember which is which:

-A higher lie (towards 7) makes the stick look like a 7

-A lower lie (towards 1) makes the stick look like a 1

If the heel has more wear, then I believe your stick is like a 7 and you need a lower lie. Experts can correct me if I'm wrong.

That's a golden way to remember it, thank you.

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There was a post I found from this very site that has helped me remember which is which:

-A higher lie (towards 7) makes the stick look like a 7

-A lower lie (towards 1) makes the stick look like a 1

If the heel has more wear, then I believe your stick is like a 7 and you need a lower lie. Experts can correct me if I'm wrong.

wow easy way to remember that! thanks

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Seems like the original poster just needs to work on his technique. It's rare to need a stick with a lie any lower than that.

I would think skating and stick handling drills are in order.

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Seems like the original poster just needs to work on his technique. It's rare to need a stick with a lie any lower than that.

I would think skating and stick handling drills are in order.

No, it's rare to find a stick with a lower lie. I know a number of people that need it, but can't find one at retail.

I am currently using a uncut intermediate Bauer One95, PM9 curve. When I am receiving a pass, it sometimes seems to go under the blade and I can't control the puck. Looking at my blade, I have a decent amount of wear on the heel of my tape. Does this mean a lower lie or high lie would be needed? Also, would shortening the stick also help (even though I like a longer stick)?


You need a lower lie but you really aren't going to find one, although the lowest lie of the warrior Fedorov will be slightly lower. That means you will have to shorten your stick a bit. Don't cut more than half an inch at a time and you will find a combination that you can use.

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I have the same problem, the heel on my blades just gets destroyed so much quicker then any other part of the blade, im trying to adjust my skating style to change it

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I used to have the same problem with the majority of the wear being on my heel. I switched from a lie 6 to a lie 5 and now the wear is more even.

Correct me if I'm wrong but as far as I know, each lie you go up/down changes 2 degrees in angle. Some brands also come in an increment of .5 lie

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You need a lower lie but you really aren't going to find one, although the lowest lie of the warrior Fedorov will be slightly lower. That means you will have to shorten your stick a bit. Don't cut more than half an inch at a time and you will find a combination that you can use.

Thanks, that is what I was thinking I would need to do. I'll shorten a bit each time I am out until I find something I like.

Thanks for all the replies guys!!

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