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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone used the RX60's?

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I tried them on skated around a little and they are stiff as all hell exactly like the ice boot imho. I tried them on skated then immediately put on the boss se right after and man the boss i felt like i coulda skated right outa the box no baking. The RX were lighter but not by a ton and definitely look sharp in person. But i'll be going with the boss se I dont feel I need a skate that stiff for roller. If you like a skate that stiff and wanna spend that much then it's an amazing skate.

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i would think that everything they put into it has proven itself pretty well except maybe the addiction wheels, their not out long enough for a good review :)

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why are roller skates (even top end) not as stiff as ice skates... I would assume you would need the same if not more support in roller

I would say that most inline skates, especially top end inlines, are just as stiff, if not more so than ice skates.

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