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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Re-Lining Skates

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Is it possible to replace the liner in skates? One of my beloved pairs of 8090s has developed holes at the heel cups (both skates). It was repaired with a latex-like material for a while, but that has worn out too. The padding under the lining / over the plastic heel cup also has a hole in it.

Thanks in advance...

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Is it possible to replace the liner in skates? One of my beloved pairs of 8090s has developed holes at the heel cups (both skates). It was repaired with a latex-like material for a while, but that has worn out too. The padding under the lining / over the plastic heel cup also has a hole in it.

Thanks in advance...

Not only can it be done, but there's a place to do it in your city. I sent MY 8090s to Done Right Sports Equipment in Calgary a few years back because I had wear in this same area in both skates. They installed what they called a "half liner" in the boots and they turned out great! I think it cost me about $130 or so altogether, but you wouldn't have to pay the shipping charges I did.

Here's their website: http://www.donerightsports.com/index.html

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They're the ones that put in the latex stuff!

Luckily I have 2 pairs of 8090s, so I'll be dropping off my holey pair to get the half-liner when I get back.


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