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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Stealth/Synergy skates

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That's different. Not all nice insoles do. The ones built for a higher arch or better support will, but the shock doctors are really not geared for high arches or those who need a good deal of support. They may not be the insole best suited for your foot, but that doesn't mean they're bad. If you want bad, take a look at the stuff others put in their skates. You know those thin single layer foam cut to it things you see in drugstores for $1.50 a pair? Those are what most companies put in even their high end skates. The Easton insoles are miles better.

Yes, custom sidas or superfeet are nicer then the Easton insoles, but the Easton insoles are not cheap PoS like most stock insoles.

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Synergy SE10:

Fiberglass Boot

Ideal Fit Heel/Ankle (molded, wider ankle pads, more traditional feel, has a U shape)

laterally stiff, more supportive fit


Fibreglass Boot with texalium cover (similar to kevlar)

Stealth Padlock heel/ankle (two "L" shaped ankle pads, tighter/firmer fit, has a V shape)

laterally stiff, easy forward flex.

Put superfeet in either :)

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So is the SE line the same fit as the Stealth line? I thought that the Stealth was wider for some reason...I'm not sure why.

Anyways, can somebody verify the fit on both of these lines? Particularly SE16 vs. S17.

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Played 6 games in my S12 skates and so far they feel great they fit better and I like the ankle lock feature. Also my feet don't hurt in certain areas like they did with my Vapor XXV when I tighten up the laces. Does anyone know what the difference is between the Elite Runner and the LPS2? I'm wondering if switching to the Elite Runners will make a difference in skating..

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