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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Recommendations for light ,mobile hockey pants.

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Anyone have any recommendations ? I don't play nearly as much as I used to and its now mosly pick up with friends so I don't need the bulky pro level protection of my Sher-wood pro stocks anymore.Anyone have any experience of TPS R6 pants ? or Tackla 800 ?

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I was in the same boat this year. Went to the store and found a pair of Reebok Talon pants. They have minimal padding and leg zippers; basically everything I was looking for. Paid roughly $50 for them, and tossed my M-1's to the attic. I love them too. So much lighter than the M-1's.

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I play non-contact gentlemen's and pick up and these are the past two pants I have used. Lightweight, and excellent protection but definitely not bulky.

1) Franklin THT HP 7800

2) Winwell G-Lite

Both can found on the Peranis website at great prices...

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+1 vote for the girdle/shell. One of the best gear changes I've made in a long time. The setup I got was over 100 bucks, even on closeout, though. I thought it was well worth it.

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