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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sande "The Show" pants

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The pants are solid. I have a midget team my way using them and they love them. Also have had a few guys from another team try them and perfered them over Easton S17 pants.

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I'm currently using a pair. Really awesome pants. Light, good protection. I played a tournament in the pants brand new and didn't think much about them, which is good. Broke a zipper though. Great pants for the $$

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Do you have anything to compare them to as far as the protection goes? In that price range, it's normally not that great. I saw a pair of One75's the other day and they were pretty skimpy on padding. If people prefer them to S17's, they must be a little bit beefy? The height system is what's intriguing to me. Because of my build I normally have pants that are either too big in the waist or too short.

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Yeah me too, but none that have been in my size. I've started contemplating them again after taking a really hard fall on my hip today. My Tackla's are really protective, but they're not the right size. The rear side of my hip (right on the bone) is always unprotected because the padding shifts around, and it's always the same spot I land on. I need a smaller size, but longer legs, but don't want to shell out the money for +2" Tackla's. I've lost track of how many times I've had a bruised hip, and I'm getting sick of it. I get pain in my hip occasionally if I turn the right way, and I know these falls are what's causing it.

End of rant. These remind me of my Missions, and I liked the dual belt system. The height adjustment seems like I could get the proper waist sizing without compromising length. I'm really just waiting to hear a bit more feedback/comparisons before I pull out the plastic.

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from what ive seen these pants look really good with lots of protection...ive found them on ebay for cheap from 25-40$

I had a pair in the past, and they have excellent protection :)



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For the money "The Show" hockey pants are a great deal. They've got really good thigh and hip protection though they're a little light on tailbone protection. The pants are a two-piece pant and the length really can be adjusted up or down about 2" if need be. Really light pants and great mobility with almost no break-in needed. The pants have double belts and also lace up so you can adjust the fit, but they are a snugger fitting pant. Only been using them for 4 months so I don't know about long term durability, but they're holding up really well so far. I've used Easton S-9 and S-15 Motion, CCM and Bauer pants in the past and the only pants that had more mobility and fit better were the S-15 Motion, the S-15's don't have nearly as much protection. Got them on e-Bay for $30 so definitely couldn't beat the price.

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