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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best Balance Between Protection and Value in a C/A

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Hello all,

Basically, I am in desperate need of a new C/A and I am just not sure what to look at. There is a massive difference between trying on at a local shop versus actually playing with it. I have always had a really small C/A so I am used to being very free in net in terms of movement. Basically, I am looking to get the most bank from my buck. What are some brands and models that people here would recommend? I am looking to keep some mobility but after a shot to the ribs last night I just need a new C/A for safety reasons. I cannot afford anything over 300 dollars and I am pretty hard on that price.

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You could find a used pro level C/A for under 3 bills. Check eBay for Browns, RBK Premiers, or either of the Vaughn Models, etc. I would advise against the senior level gear if protection and durability are your priorities, like the RBK XPulse 6 (not sure on the number) Vaughn 7400 or 8600, etc.

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I've heard great things about McKenney stuff as well, but never tried them. I think that Simmons makes a good rig too for not too much money. I have a 992 and have been happy with it for years.

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So I am pretty much toast. I went and tried on some C/A's and I found a couple that fit my chest perfectly but the arms were way to long, so much so that I couldnt get my elbow anywhere near the elbow cup. I just want to avoid the custom route but this may be the only path. I am 5'7 so I am way under the typical height for a large, but I need the large size for my beer gut... haha, how sad =(

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... welcome to my world :D

I'm in the same boat as you are. Too short for my beer belly... My solution was to buy a large c/a for adequate chest and belly coverage and shorten each of the arms two inches. It's pretty easy actually.

Just use a "stitch ripper" (about $1 from any sewing store) to open the stitching on the pocket where the upper and lower arm pads are secured.

Remove the protective caps and cut an equal amount off of each. In my case I cut 1" off the top piece and 1" off the bottom piece. I used sheet metal shears to cut mine. They were on hand and worked well...

Then create a fold in the material to take up 1" of slack in each of the areas and stitch across the fold. You can hand sew this, use a sewing awl or a sewing machine with a little maneuvering.

Problem solved, takes about 45 minutes....

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  ddbowdoin said:
So I am pretty much toast. I went and tried on some C/A's and I found a couple that fit my chest perfectly but the arms were way to long, so much so that I couldnt get my elbow anywhere near the elbow cup. I just want to avoid the custom route but this may be the only path. I am 5'7 so I am way under the typical height for a large, but I need the large size for my beer gut... haha, how sad =(
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Like Netminder said, it doesn't make much sense to get a custom C/A like you would get pads or gloves, because you can customize a C/A yourself pretty easily. Take a search through the Modifications thread, I think there are some examples in there.

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