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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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someone can answer this im sure. 2001 model vapor 6 fit?

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i need a extra pair of skates for a month and can buy a slightly used pair of the old 2001 model vapor 6 skates for cheap. right below the 8's. they still have the grey custom+ with that black blade with the triangles, just not the full "composite-ish" boot. someone will know what im talking about.

before i drive way out to try them on... are they wider than the 2001 supreme line or narrower? i had been skating 5000s then 7000s for the past years. does anyone remember the difference in the 2001 vapor fit to supreme fit?

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Chadd is correct. I skate in Vapor 8s from that time period and my girlfriend skates in Vapor 6s from that time. we both recently bought some Supremes on clearance and were blown away by the difference in fit between the Supremes and the Vapors. so much so that we'll probably both be selling the Supremes that we bought.

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